Confidential Background and Court Record Search

U.S. Public Records - All States and Counties

Begin Your Search


    At we strive to deliver the most reliable and accurate data information on the web. We have partnered with the best and brightest data providers to bring the highest quality information to the consumer. We abide by the highest standers in the industry. All your purchases are guaranteed by our refund policy through our world class merchant provider.
  • OUR PRODUCTS provides access to billions of public records from the privacy and convenience of your own computer. Search people, assets, and background records instantly! Validate identity information and other public record information for any U.S. citizen in seconds.

    As a recognized and trusted online information resource, our data system and data sources will allow you to find continuous updated information from both public and private sources. Our record database system for court records, outstanding warrants, and background record searches are industry endorsed and authentic public record data feeds.
*** Expert Search Assistance Available - FREE! ***

If you are having trouble finding the records you need from our site, we have search specialists here to assist you. We offer search assistance to all our customers at no cost to you. Our search team will help you locate any records in all 50 U.S. states for any person.

In order for our search specialist to pull the correct records, the following information is necessary to run an accurate background search; first name, last name, DOB, state, and address (if you have) of the person you need records for. A search specialist will run a detailed search based on the criteria you provide and send you the results within 24 hours. That is our 100% service satisfaction guarantee.

Background & Court Records
*** Industry Leader ***
  • Outstanding Warrants
  • U.S. Court Records
  • DUI & DWI Records
  • U.S. Arrest Records
  • Warrants for All 50 States
  • Police Warrants
  • Court Date Check
  • Offense Information
  • Probation Information
  • Nationwide Warrants/Court
  • Federal/State Tax Liens
  • Federal/Civil Judgments
  • Federal/State Bankruptcies
  • List of Relatives/Addresses
  • Complete Background Search
  • Marriage/Divorce Records
  • Birth/Death Records
  • Legal Judgments
  • Sex Offender Check
  • Felonies and Misdemeanors
  • Federal/State Records
  • Mug Shots When Available
  • Address Information
  • Phone Number Search
  • Property Ownership Records
  • 20-year Record History
  • Age/Date of Birth
  • Alias/Maiden Name
  • Possible Neighbors
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Disclaimer:'s data search feed system makes public records available online for instant viewing and for your convenience. When conducting a search on a person, the system will pull all information available including arrest warrants, criminal history and public record information, whether complete or partial on a person's background.


    This site was designed as a nationwide search site allowing searches for warrants, court records and background information for any person who has previousy lived or currently resides in the United States. The system offers complete and secure access. Upon searching the information you will be able to access multiple record sources such as active arrest warrants, court dates, criminal history, judgments, marriage/divorce records, birth/death records and more. Now you can access multiple national databases with one username all from the convenience and security of your own computer.

    Our system has been provided to the public as a secure and private way to conduct a search for any person in the United States or who has previously lived in the U.S. With that in mind, your information will not be recorded or shared with government bureaus, thus allowing the end user to search with confidence and to receive the information discretely and securely.

    We do not share your information with federal, state, or law enforcement agencies. We are not a consumer reporting agency as based on the Fair Credit Reporting Act ( FCRA ) and the information should not be used in whole or in part for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports. Please see our privacy policy for full disclosure of terms.
Please Note: Monthly subscriptions fees are billed monthly once the trial date ends or upon renewal date of your monthly service. We will not refund monthly subscription fees or unused portion of your monthly subscription fees. Therefore, you must cancel before the automatic renewal date of your trial or monthly subscription in order to avoid renewal and the associated subscription fees. If you're not satisfied with our service for any reason, you can cancel your trial subscription and request a refund.* Please contact as at

* We will refund the trial subscription only.